John who has appeared on Towie as Towies top Roller-skater (follow this link to watch ) will be pleased to welcome you to Brentwood and some stories about appearing on Towie and the personalties he has met. He has an eight seater air conditioned Ford Transit Custom, and if you are staying at The Travelodge will give you a special price up to Brentwood of £16.00 for eight people a bargain at £2.00 each.. Reach him on [email protected] or phone him on 07778054458. Hi, we have to inform you that John has now retired and so there is no more Towie Taxi Tours, however, if you have any questions about coming to Brentwood he will be pleased to answer you on the above Number. Taxis are still available however from 848 cars on 01277 848848.4
#the only way is essex